BSSO2025 * 10 - SYMPOSIUM 2, 3, 4 JULY 2025

BSSO2025 * 10 - SYMPOSIUM 2, 3, 4 JULY 2025

The program of the BSSO2025 symposium will focus on hot topics within surgical orthodontics and orthognathic surgery. The faculty is a mix of eminent speakers in the field, several of whom have already had successful experiences in lecturing at BSSO, and top speakers from different continents. They will come up with surprising and very interesting information on the cutting edge of orthodontics and surgery. A series of specialized items on dento-alveolar surgical orthodontics will be highlighted in this year’s edition.

The 3-day symposium will be held in the outstanding entourage and convenient PHIL Haarlem. Since the symposium is in the summer, the conference dinner will be organized on the beach with your feet in the sand.

Delegates and Trainees are invited to register for an Arrangement of the whole package (3-day Symposium) or register for separate conference days.

We are very proud to present the BSSO2025 * 10 program in time and hope to host you in Haarlem, the Netherlands, Eddy Becking, Sandy van Teeseling, Ireen Rientjes

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